Assemblymember Bronson: Conference Committees Promote Transparency, Help Move Budget Process Along

“In conjunction with the Senate, the Assembly will convene conference committees today in order to iron out our differences and shape a fiscally responsible, on-time budget for New Yorkers. “As a new member of the Assembly, I hope to bring a new perspective and fresh ideas to the budget process. Conference committees encourage bipartisanship and transparency and allow the public insight into budget negotiations. “Being your voice in Albany, I’ll work hard to ensure that the final budget is in the best interest of the hardworking families in Monroe County.” The following is the conference committee schedule for Wednesday, March 16 (all meetings in the Legislative Office Building unless otherwise noted): 9:30 a.m.:
Agriculture, Environment and Housing, Hearing Room B
Higher Education, Hearing Room C Noon:
Mental Health, Hearing Room A
Transportation, Hearing Room B
Human Services and Labor, Hearing Room C
General Government and Local Assistance, Assembly Parlor 2 p.m.:
Economic Development, Hearing Room A
Health, Hearing Room B
Education, Hearing Room C
Public Protection, Criminal Justice and Judiciary, Capitol, Room 124