Gallahan: State Parole Board is Failing New Yorkers with Release of Dangerous Cop Killers

Assemblyman Jeff Gallahan (R,C-Manchester) supports Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski), Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt (R,C-North Tonawanda), other members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences and members of the law enforcement community to continue calls for stronger oversight of the state parole board. Since 2017, the parole board has freed 41 cop killers. Another cop killer, Mitchell Martin, who killed NYPD Officer James Whittington in 1982 and was sentenced to a maximum term of life imprisonment, is scheduled for a parole board hearing on June 11, 2024.

“Over the years we have seen a disturbing trend develop from within the New York State Board of Parole,” said Gallahan. “For whatever reason, we are seeing cop killers’ rights put over the rights of New York citizens and men and women in law enforcement. This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences. I am proud to stand with my colleagues to voice our grave concerns and call for immediate change so no more cop killers are released from prison or paroled early and no more innocent officers are killed in the line of duty.

“NYPD Officer James Whittington deserved so much better, and to suggest his killer Martin deserves to be paroled after taking James’ life is reprehensible,” concluded Gallahan.