Giglio: There is no Justice if Cop Killers are Set Free

Since 2017, the state parole board has freed 41 cop killers in New York. With yet another criminal who killed an NYPD officer due for a parole hearing later this month, New York State Assembly members as well as Senate members gathered today, June 4, at a press conference calling for stricter measures to be put in place by the state parole board relating to the release of cop killers. Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio (R,C-Riverhead) echoes the sentiments made by her legislative colleagues on this issue.

“While public safety should be at the forefront of our agenda, it is clear one party in particular is focused on their own personal agenda, putting the safety of our law enforcement officials to the side.”

“Murder should never be acceptable, especially when it comes to the murder of those who put their lives on the line each and every day to protect our communities. It is absolutely absurd knowing the parole board has willingly released 41 cop killers just within the last few years. How are victims’ families of these fallen heroes supposed to feel and move forward with their lives knowing the individual who murdered their loved one is free to roam this earth while their loved one will never breathe another breath again? This is a common-sense answer that shouldn’t need further discussion because, at the end of the day, an attack on a law enforcement official is an attack on society. There is no justice if these cop killers are set free.”