Lemondes Calls for Enforcement of Cannabis Law

Assemblyman John Lemondes (R,C-LaFayette) stood in support of his colleagues in the state Senate and Assembly yesterday to advocate for support for a proposal (A.9520) that would revoke licenses to sell cigarettes, tobacco products, alcohol and lottery tickets for the possession or sale of illicit cannabis in violation of the cannabis law. Since adult-use cannabis became legal in New York state in March of 2021, there have been numerous cases of convenience stores and other businesses selling marijuana products without the proper licenses or authorization. Establishments not following these regulations could lead to health and quality control issues if these products are not up to standard. Lemondes believes this initiative will protect consumers and hold these illegal sellers accountable.

“What we have going on in our state right now is a complete mess,” said Lemondes. “Everyone knew the minute this drug was legalized that all laws and regulations would immediately go out the window. Without going through the proper procedures, customers will have no idea what it is they are putting in their bodies. These dispensaries should have to follow the same rules every other establishment has to play by. This proposal is a good start to ensure consumers are safe. It’s time to start enforcing these laws and protect our communities.”