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Photo Publications

Blankenbush Pushes For Infrastructure Parity

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Today, a press conference held by several state Senators and Assembly members called for an increase of $250 million to the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPs) in the 2016-2017 state budget. This increase would take the CHIPs...

Blankenbush Facilitates Meeting Between Ft. Drum Commander And Key Assembly Leadership

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today facilitated a meeting between key Assembly leadership and Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, Commander of Ft. Drum. Discussions centered on the positive impact the base has on the state and how New York...

Blankenbush: It’s Time To Pass Brittany’s Law

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) thinks that the public should have the right to know if they are working with or living near a violent ex-convict. He is calling for the passage of Brittany’s Law, which would establish a new violent felony...

Blankenbush Welcomes West Point Cadets To Assembly Chamber

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) had the honor of introducing Cadets Nicholas Tyler of Adams and Brandon A. Lloyd of the Town of Watertown at the annual West Point Day celebration at the New York State Capitol. “The North Country is...

Blankenbush Pushes For Disabled Veterans Internship Program At Assembly

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River), a Vietnam War veteran, today spoke as part of an effort among Assembly Minority members to create a disabled veterans internship program in the assembly. The program, called the GIVE Back NY Program (Giving...

Blankenbush Calls For Tuition Breaks For Troops

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today helped unveil the Commitment to Military Education Act, which is legislation designed to give tuition breaks to active military personnel through the SUNY system. The bill was crafted as a response...

#NY2A Day Brings Visitors From All Counties Of Blankenbush’s District

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) met with several visiting sportsmen and Second Amendment enthusiasts in Albany as they arrived for the #NY2A Day rally and lobbying event. The event was designed by Blankenbush and several of his Assembly...

Blankenbush Hosts Celebration Of Dairy In Albany

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) co-hosted with Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,I,C-Canandaigua) the 2012 Dairy Day in Albany. As ranking minority member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, Blankenbush believes that it’s important to...

Blankenbush: Outdoor Sports Are A Boon To North Country Economy

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) and Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,I,C-Canandaigua) today hosted the Third Annual “Sportsmen & Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day” in Albany. The event, which featured keynote speaker...

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) and Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy join with law enforcement officials to express their support for DNA databank expansion.

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River) joined Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy and local law enforcement officials calling for passage of the DNA Databank Expansion Bill at a press conference held in Watertown. Legislation was recently passed in the state...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Meets with Sportsmen from 122nd AD

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Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush met with several sportsmen from the 122nd Assembly District as part of the Assembly Minority Sportsmen and Outdoor Legislative Awareness Day on Tuesday. “Hunting, fishing, trapping and outdoor recreation contribute more...