Celebrating Tug Hill Commission’s 50th Anniversary

Legislative Column by Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C-Black River)

In the heart of Upstate New York lies a hidden gem, a region renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife and vibrant communities. This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Tug Hill Commission, an organization that has played a pivotal role in preserving and enhancing this unique corner of the Empire State. 

The Tug Hill Commission first became the guardian of the Tug Hill Plateau in 1972 when New York state recognized the 2,100-square-mile stretch of natural beauty extending across Lewis, Jefferson, Oneida and Oswego counties. There were concerns about the region’s environmental impact on the developing communities around the area. A commission was created to serve as Tug Hill’s protector using a non-regulatory, grassroots approach.

At its core, the Tug Hill Commission is dedicated to balancing the region's economic and environmental interests. It acts as a liaison between local communities, state agencies and other stakeholders to ensure sustainable development while safeguarding the area's ecological integrity. Tug Hill’s local leaders are tasked with providing surveys of the landscape every five years, with the most recent survey completed in 2023.

One of the commission's most notable achievements is its commitment to land-use planning. Through zoning regulations, land preservation efforts and comprehensive planning initiatives, the commission has helped maintain the Tug Hill Plateau's character. It's no surprise this region is often referred to as the "Emerald Isle of New York" for its lush forests, pristine lakes and picturesque vistas. 

The Tug Hill Commission has also been a champion of recreation and tourism. Its dedication to preserving open spaces and promoting outdoor activities has attracted nature enthusiasts from across the state and beyond. Whether you're into hiking, snowmobiling, birdwatching or simply escaping the hustle and bustle of city life, Tug Hill offers a sanctuary for all.

Moreover, the commission has been a driving force behind economic development in the region. By working closely with local businesses and communities, it has supported initiatives that create jobs and bolster the area's economy. This balanced approach has ensured Tug Hill remains a place where people not only live but thrive. 

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Tug Hill Commission, it's essential to recognize the dedication and hard work of those who have been at its helm. One individual, Commissioner Roger Maciejko, dedicated 27 years of service to the board. The commitment to preserving the Tug Hill Plateau for future generations is nothing short of inspiring. 

The Tug Hill Commission's 50th anniversary is not just a celebration of the past but a pledge to continue its crucial mission into the future. The Tug Hill Plateau is a testament to what can be achieved when we prioritize both nature and people.

Whether you're a resident or a visitor, take a moment to appreciate the Tug Hill Commission's invaluable contributions to New York's treasured heartland. As we reflect on the past and look forward to the future, let's join together to preserve and celebrate this remarkable corner of our great state for generations to come.