
Economic Development Commissioner Testifies During a Joint Budget Hearing on Economic Development

Transportation Commissioner Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation

MTA Chairman Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation

DMV and Thruway Representatives Testify During Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation

Statewide Mayors Testify During Joint Budget Hearing on Local/General Government

Expanding the NYS Food Scraps Recycling and Food Donation Program

Shimsky Votes in Favor of Education, Labor, Housing, and Family Assistance Budget Bill

Assembly Passes Capital Projects Budget Bills for 2024-2025

Shimsky Supports Aid to Localities Budget Bill

Work Zone Awareness Week in NY

Shimsky Calls on EPA to Finish Hudson River Cleanup

Recognizing Family Empowerment Day

Assembly Budget Proposal for 2024-2025

Shimsky Calls for Elimination of Insulin Co-Pays

Shimsky Advocates for Additional Funding to Maintain Local Roadways

Special Guest Introduction

Women's History Month in NY

Shimsky Advocates for Students with Disabilities

Advocates Testify During Budget Hearing on Local/General Government

MTA Chairman Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation

DOT Commissioner Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation

DMV Commissioner and Thruway Authority Director Testify During a Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation

Shimsky Votes Against Bill Decreasing the Required Minimum Population for a Proposed Village

Shimsky Votes Against Bill Clarifying the Duties of the Village incorporation Commission

Special Guest Introduction

Shimsky Supports Changing the Requirements for Village Incorporation

Establishing Diwali as a School Holiday in NYC

Commemorating the 79th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion

Special Guest Introduction

Posting of Nursing Home Ratings

Assembly Passes Bill Requiring the Use of Gender-Neutral Terms in Law

Special Guest Introduction

Assembly Passes Education, Labor, Housing and Family Assistance Budget

Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Month in NY

Providing Access to Medication Abortion Prescription Drugs at SUNY and CUNY

Shimsky Calls for Inclusion of $50 million for LSLRP Program

Helping Those Wrongfully Convicted Find Justice

Shimsky Calls for Additional Funding for CUNY and SUNY

NYCOM and NYSAC Directors Testify During Budget Hearing on Local/General Government

Designating Individuals as One-Day Marriage Officiants

MTA CEO Testifies During Budget Hearing on Transportation

Buy American Requirements Added to Law in the Purchase or Lease of Electric Vehicles

Holocaust Remembrance Day in New York

Firefighter Cancer Prevention Month in NY
February 26, 2025
Assemblymember Shimsky speaks with Hope Knight, President, CEO and Commissioner, New York State Department of Economic Development, Empire State Development during a joint budget hearing on Economic Development.
Assemblymember Shimsky speaks with Hope Knight, President, CEO and Commissioner, New York State Department of Economic Development, Empire State Development during a joint budget hearing on Economic Development.