A Tragic Loss Inspires Safer Roads

A statement from Assemblyman Matt Simpson (R,C-Lake George)

Today, Assemblyman Matt Simpson (R,C-Lake George) issued a statement in support of the Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law, introduced by Assemblyman Robert Smullen (Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks). The legislation is named in honor of Smullen’s late son, Alexander John “AJ” Smullen, who tragically passed away in March 2024 after being struck by a vehicle. It aims to create a memorial sign program for victims of fatal vehicle collisions.

“This was a life changing tragedy for my friend Assemblyman Rober Smullen and his family. The Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law will honor the lives lost in fatal vehicle collisions and also serve as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of impaired and reckless driving. Families deserve the opportunity to memorialize their loved ones, and this legislation means that their legacies will help make our roads safer for all,” said Simpson.