Norris Celebrates Teachers From 144th District, Past & Present

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C-Lockport) is celebrating teachers from throughout the 144th Assembly District as part of Teacher Appreciation Week by honoring 18 current teachers in the district over the coming days as well as honoring a very special retired teacher, Kathleen McGinley, at the state Capitol this week.

“Teachers have a great impact on our lives, and this week at our state Capitol, I was able to say ‘thank you’ to a teacher who helped me achieve everything I have accomplished in my life and on behalf of our community,” said Norris. “You never know how your life will turn out or the great places your life will take you, but teachers provide you with the building blocks and fundamentals you need to get there. We are all so grateful for the teachers in our lives, past and present, and it is my honor to be able to help shine a light on their contribution to our community.”

Each year, Norris honors teachers from schools in the 144th Assembly District who are nominated by their peers, students or school administrators for going above and beyond in their classroom.

Additionally, this year, Norris was so pleased to welcome his former seventh-grade teacher, Kathleen McGinley, to Albany as she and her friend and Clarence resident, Deborah Michnik, came to visit. McGinley taught in the Lockport City School System for 41 years after earning her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Buffalo State Teachers College. After she retired, she became a substitute teacher in two other school districts for another six years.