Pheffer Amato to Host “Smart Seniors” Presentations in Howard Beach, Far Rockaway with AG Schneiderman
AG staff to focus on investor fraud, “grandparent scams,” EquiFax

Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-Far Rockaway) announced today that she would be hosting two “Smart Seniors” sessions with New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office later this month. The sessions are designed to help seniors protect themselves from fraud and abuse. The first presentation will be held on Monday, October 23rd at 11:00AM, at the Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services Senior Center, 155-55 Cross Bay Boulevard in Howard Beach. The second session will be held on Tuesday, October 24th at 11:30AM, at JASA Roy Reuther Senior Center in Far Rockaway, 711 Seagirt Avenue. The two venues were chosen to provide the AG’s valuable information on fraud protection to senior citizens on both sides of the 23rd Assembly District, without forcing attendees to pay a toll to go over the Cross Bay Bridge.
“This is a really helpful presentation; I hope seniors choose to take advantage of it,” said Pheffer Amato. “We’ll be working to get the word out. We’re excited to host the Attorney General, who has built his career on consumer protection, as he brings his considerable resources to bear in one of the districts with the highest concentrations of senior citizens. From investor fraud to the recent EquiFax data breach, too many of our elders have been the victim of scams of opportunity. These victims are our mothers and fathers. They deserve all the support and defense we can give them. I’m thrilled to be able to bring them the best, most current information on how to protect themselves, direct from the state’s top enforcement official!”
“We must empower senior citizens with information that will help them spot a scam before they are victimized,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “I’m proud to stand with Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato in our commitment to protect all New Yorkers, especially those who are at a heightened risk of being targeted by fraud. If you think you’re a victim of fraud, don’t hesitate to report it to my office at 1-800-771-7755.”
A dedicated portion of the Attorney General’s website provides easily accessible safety tips, alerts and information that seniors can use to stay safe in their daily lives, “Smart Seniors: Resources for Older Adults.” Participants in the local workshops do not need to RSVP. Both are open to the public.