Assemblymember Steven Raga to Serve on the BPHA Caucus Executive Board

Queens, NY – Assemblymember Steven Raga is pleased to announce he has been appointed to the Executive Board for the New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian (BPHA) Caucus.

The BPHA Caucus is led by Chairwoman Michelle Solages and is composed of over eighty State Senators and Assemblymembers. All members in the caucus are united by a common mission to support legislative and budgetary priorities that empower the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian communities. Assemblymember Raga has had the pleasure of being a part of this caucus since coming into office in 2023.

One of the caucus’ most powerful tools to amplify the needs of their communities is by submitting a list of priorities for the state budget, known as the People’s Budget, each year. The compilation and discussion of priorities listed in the People’s Budget is spearheaded by Chairwoman Solages and four co-chairs from the Assembly and Senate. Assemblymember Raga has had the privilege of serving as co-chair for the caucus’ State Budget Subcommittee for the past two years. 

Assemblymember Steven Raga stated, “It is a tremendous honor to serve as Chaplain this year. The BPHA Caucus is a driving force for advocating and successfully securing legislative and budget wins for our communities. Chairwoman Solages does an amazing job in leading both chambers and prioritizing initiatives that uplift our communities. I’m very excited to be working alongside her and my colleagues this year.”

This year, Assemblymember Raga is honored to serve the BPHA Caucus’ Executive Board as Chaplain. The Executive Boad consists of Chairwoman Michelle Solages, 1st Vice Chair Assemblymember Catalina Cruz, 2nd Vice Chair Senator Nathalia Fernandez and Secretary Assemblymember Jessica Gonzalez Rojas. As Chaplain, he is the mediator of the caucus by helping to solve and address disputes or concerns that members have. They help to foster camaraderie and positive member relations.

"As the first Filipino-American lawmaker in the state legislature, Assemblyman Steve Raga is well-positioned to bridge cultural divides and foster camaraderie among our members. It is critical for our work to have a Chaplain who will be a sound voice of reason and keep us focused on collective action for the communities we serve. His leadership and presence are essential as we navigate these transformative times. I am proud to have him serve in this important role for our legislative body," stated Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus.

Assemblymember Raga looks forward to working with his colleagues to advocate for essential fiscal investments and policies that prioritize the wellbeing and empowerment of communities of color.