Barclay Urges Legislature to Work for New Yorkers, Not Illegal Immigrants
A statement from Assemblyman Will Barclay (R,C,I-Ref-Pulaski) in reaction to Assembly Majority Bill 3675 that would grant driver’s licenses to illegal aliens in New York State.
“Today, members of the Assembly Majority advanced a bill through committee that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain a driver’s license,” said Barclay. “This bill was passed prematurely, with little regard for how it would affect federal law enforcement. Already this year, members of the majority passed a bill to provide tuition assistance funding to illegal immigrants wanting to gain a higher education, and now they’re pursuing more rights for those who have broken our laws and taken advantage of our system. Recent polling data has shown the majority of New Yorkers oppose this measure, so I urge the Legislature to lay this bill aside and begin passing meaningful legislation to help New York’s middle-class families who are struggling to get by.”