1. Do you support the continuation of the war in Iraq?

    box Yes box No box Unsure
  2. Do you support same-sex marriage?

    box Yes box No box Unsure
  3. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed an eight dollar fee for driving into Manhattan south of 86th Street to reduce congestion and raise money for transit projects. Do you support the effort?

    box Yes box No box Unsure
  4. Since the passage of the federal No Child Left Behind Law, public school students are spending several months of each school year preparing for and taking high-stakes standardized tests that are used to evaluate schools. Do you agree that local public schools are devoting too much time to preparing students for and administering high-stakes tests?

    box Yes box No box Unsure
  5. Governor Eliot Spitzer has indicated that he plans to introduce legislation to update New York State’s abortion law by ending provisions that make abortions criminal. Do you support the proposal?

    box Yes, it is an important step in protecting a woman’s right to choose.


    No, there is no need to change New York State law unless the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.


    No, abortion is wrong and should be illegal.


    I am unsure.
  6. Which New York baseball team do you root for?

    box Mets box Yankees box both box neither
  7. How would you rate the performance of each of the following elected officials?

    President George W. Bush

    box Excellent box Good box Fair box Poor box Unsure

    Governor Eliot Spitzer

    box Excellent box Good box Fair box Poor box Unsure

    Senator Charles Schumer

    box Excellent box Good box Fair box Poor box Unsure

    Senator Hillary Clinton

    box Excellent box Good box Fair box Poor box Unsure

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg

    box Excellent box Good box Fair box Poor box Unsure

    Queens Borough President Helen Marshall

    box Excellent box Good box Fair box Poor box Unsure



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Telephone Number:


Please send the completed for to:
Assemblymember Mark Weprin
56-21 Marathon Parkway
Little Neck, New York 11362
