Assemblyman Cymbrowitz on the floor of the Assembly engaging in debate over an issue of importance to our community.
The Dignity for All Students Act, which will go into effect July 1, 2012, was intended to apply only to public schools, but its language did not differentiate between yeshivas and public schools. Such topics as being tolerant and respectful to people of different ‘religions, religious practices, races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, genders and sexes’ were detailed in the law. So Assemblyman Cymbrowitz cosponsored A.8310 which makes an important distinction excluding yeshivas and other religious schools from having to comply with the Dignity for All Students Act. Assemblyman Cymbrowitz’ legislation would not require yeshivas and religious schools to teach their students about lifestyles that are contrary to the teachings of the Torah and the Bible. It passed the Assembly in mid-June. However, the Senate refused to introduce this important piece of legislation.