New York State Assemblymember
Linda B. Rosenthal
invites you to attend a
Medicare Open Enrollment
Information Session
with the Medicare Rights Center
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
1:00 to 2:00 pm
JASA • 120 West 76th Street
(between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues)
Light refreshments will be served.
If you would like more information on this event, contact
Assemblymember Rosenthal’s Office at (212) 873-6368
November and December is an important time of year for people with Medicare. From November 15 to December 31, people with Medicare can change prescription drug and health plan coverage without restriction.

This event will also give you information about programs that help pay for costs associated with Medicare such as:
- Medicare Savings Programs
- Extra Help for the Part D Prescription Drug Benefit
- Prescription savings through the New York State Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Program