Dear Neighbor,
Residents and businesses in Baldwinsville have long advocated for legislation to prevent the
areas upstream from unnecessarily and unpredictably releasing water into the downstream
area of Baldwinsville and neighboring communities.
That’s why I helped pass a bill to create the Oswego River Basin Water Level Management
Commission this year to ensure that communities throughout the Basin can work together
to prevent the constant flooding (A.6905-A).
Under the bill, this Commission will develop a water level management plan to prevent the
constant flooding that has plagued waterfront areas in Baldwinsville for many years. In
addition, a newly created Citizens Advisory Board will have representation on the
Commission so that the concerns of local property owners, businesses, and environmental
groups are addressed.
With less flooding, more boaters will travel the Erie Canal, and local waterfront businesses
will be able to thrive. This bill is very important for encouraging economic growth in Baldwinsville
along the Canal and the Seneca River.

Bill Magnarelli
Member of Assembly