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Smullen: Antisemitism Will Not be Tolerated in New York State—Hate has Consequences

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Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) attended a press conference yesterday led by Assembly and Senate Minority lawmakers with a strong message to colleges and universities statewide: hate has consequences. Smullen joined...

Smullen: Antisemitism Will not be Tolerated on Our College Campuses or Anywhere Else in New York State

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Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) spoke at a press conference earlier today led by Assemblyman Ari Brown (R-Cedarhurst) and Sen. Bill Weber (R,C) to advocate for the “Combating Campus Anti-Semitism Act” (A.8399/S.7752)....

Smullen Celebrates 16th Annual Venison for Veterans & Seniors of Fulton and Montgomery Counties

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Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) helped organize and participated in the 16th Annual Venison for Veterans & Seniors of Fulton and Montgomery Counties yesterday. This is a yearly volunteer event, organized by local hunters,...

Smullen: Final State Budget is Bloated, Out-of-Touch and Does Not Address Needs of New Yorkers

“New York state has known for years it does not have a revenue problem—it has a spending problem, as showcased in the record-breaking size of this year’s final budget. The final budget is not only weeks late, but it is also bloated and fails to...

Smullen Urges for The Passage of Assembly Bill A.8134, Which Establishes The New York State Rural Mobile Communications Fund

Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) is urging his Assembly colleagues to vote ‘yes’ on Assembly Bill A.8134, which establishes the New York State Rural Mobile Communications Fund to provide grants for the purpose of...

Smullen Proud to Support New York State Donate Life Program’s Mission to Give the Gift of Life to Families in Need

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Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) was proud to speak at a bipartisan press conference led by Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R,C-Corning) and Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes to help promote New York State’s...
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