New York State has been promoting New York foods and beverages for over 30 years, most recently through the Pride of NY program in the Department of Agriculture and Markets. According to the Department, the program's website offers the public information on over 3,000 "Pride of New York" members and their products and "…works with the statewide food and beverage community ranging from well established businesses to emerging, small, at home operations."
The Pride of NY has been supplemented by: TasteNY which "…highlights New York products at special events, tourism destinations and stores throughout the State.."; the FreshConnect Program which works to improve access to fresh, locally-produced food by low-income or underserved communities through farmers' markets and other options; and, an annual Harvest Fest which offers sampling and purchasing of food, wine and beer from New York growers and producers.
Other promotion efforts by the State include the Department's Farm-to-School program, encouraging schools to feature New York foods on their menus, and the Department of Economic Development's I Love NY program which highlights agri-tourism and local food and beverage festivals.
In 2013, the legislature passed legislation to expand existing promotion efforts by targeting senior centers, food service establishments that feature New York foods and, retailers and wholesalers selling New York food products.
The Committee and Task Force would like to receive testimony on the effectiveness and adequacy of the State's promotion efforts and how they could be enhanced.
Persons wishing to present pertinent testimony to the Committee at the above hearing should complete and return the enclosed reply form as soon as possible. It is important that the reply form be fully completed and returned so that persons may be notified in the event of emergency postponement or cancellation.
Oral testimony will be limited to 10 minutes' duration. In preparing the order of witnesses, the Committee will attempt to accommodate individual requests to speak at particular times in view of special circumstances. These requests should be made on the attached reply form or communicated to Committee staff as early as possible.
Ten copies of any prepared testimony should be submitted at the hearing registration desk. The Committee would appreciate advance receipt of prepared statements.
In order to further publicize these hearings, please inform interested parties and organizations of the Committee's interest in hearing testimony from all sources.
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