McDonough: While Cuomo Is On Tour, He Should Make Known Those Who Oppose Tax Cap

Assemblyman Dave McDonough (R,C,I-Merrick) commented on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recent Long Island stop on his statewide tour to build support for a property tax cap. McDonough noted this was a chance for Governor Cuomo to make it clear once and for all who supports a property tax cap. On the heels of historic statewide support for passage of a property tax cap, McDonough urged Cuomo to note Long Island lawmakers who oppose the measure.

“The passage of a property tax cap has never been more imperative, and while it’s welcomed news that Governor Cuomo is traveling Long Island to gain support, he also should make known lawmakers who continue to hold the people’s agenda hostage,” said McDonough. “The Assembly Minority Conference supports a property tax cap, is on record as voting for the governor’s property tax cap bill, and has been leading this fight since 2007. Put it on our desks and let the taxpayers see who is with them and who is not.”

On April 11, 2011, McDonough and the Assembly Minority Conference offered Governor Cuomo’s Property Tax Cap Program Bill – the same legislation that the Senate Majority passed on January 31 – as an amendment to the Assembly Majority’s rent regulation legislation. All 51 Members of the Assembly Minority supported the amendment, which was ultimately defeated by the Assembly Majority on a procedural vote.

“The legislative record, the voting record, and the public record are perfectly clear - we have been pushing for a property tax cap since 2007, long before Governor Cuomo and long before it was popular. Since then, the Assembly Majority has refused to bring this taxpayer relief initiative up for a vote. Instead of lumping the entire Legislature into one, the governor should make public the members of his party who are stonewalling this important legislation. The fed-up homeowners, who pay some of the nation’s highest property taxes, deserve to know who actually support them.”