Ra: Today Signals A Victory For Our Community

Legislative Statement by Assemblyman Ed Ra (21st Assembly District)

I support the principles of lower taxes and making our community a more affordable place to live and do business. Today, I stand by my convictions by supporting a property tax cap and rent control regulations. Residents across our community, whether you own a home or rent, will be more at ease knowing they can balance their budgets without being subject to Albany’s recent outrageous tax hikes. These measures will further move New York from fiscal recovery to economic prosperity.

A property tax cap and rent control will give working-class families an opportunity for affordable housing, encourage our younger residents to stay in our community, and minimize the need to make tough choices between rent and food or medications that many of our seniors face.

I have partnered with our local schools and municipalities, and have listened to their concerns regarding unfunded mandates. State-imposed mandates are a tremendous strain on localities and school budgets, and, as a result, taxpayers continue to shoulder the burden.

The property tax cap includes modest mandate relief. While it must only be a starting point for eliminating wasteful mandates altogether, I supported this legislation because it’s better than what we have right now. Let’s work toward meaningful mandate relief so that we can complete the people’s work.