Press Releases

Anonymous Donor Works With Assembly Member Seawright to Complete FDR Memorial

New York, New York – A charitable individual who wishes to remain anonymous has worked together with Assembly Member Seawright to contribute the $150,000 necessary to complete the FDR Hope Memorial. The memorial, which has been at a standstill for...

Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright brings local electeds and community activists together for Roosevelt Island Town Hall

#BringBackOurGirls: Empire State Building To Light Up For #ChibokGirls

Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright Votes to Protect a Woman's Right to Choose

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Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright (D-Manhattan) announced the Assembly passed a bill that would amend the outdated language of New York state law, affirming the constitutional right to make reproductive decisions that women across the country have...

In Honor of Women’s History, Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright Hosts Women of Distinction Awards

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In honor of Women’s History Month, Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright (D-Manhattan) hosted a Women of Distinction Awards ceremony to recognize the extraordinary women on the Upper East Side and Roosevelt Island. The awards ceremony was held at the...

Letter: Don’t Cut the M15 Bus

The Main Street WIRE talks shop with Assembly Member Seawright

Assembly Member Seawright: The Dangers of Climate Change Must Be Addressed

There is no doubt that climate change is a real threat to the environment and our local communities. We’ve seen the dangers posed by it most recently with Superstorm Sandy. We cannot waste any more time, and that’s why the Assembly Majority is taking...

NY Celebrates 76th AD's 1st Female Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright

New East Side assemblywoman introduces bill to stop the M.T.S.