Friend Calling on Federal Government to Act in Supporting NY Farmers

Assemblyman Christopher S. Friend (R,C,I-Big Flats) joined his Assembly Minority colleagues in calling for the federal government to act in providing relief to New York farmers who have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 response. Unlike other sectors, farms are considered essential and have not ceased operations. However, normal sales channels, such as restaurants and other food businesses, have dried up, leading to a significant loss of sales and the dumping of their product. Complicating matters is that the agricultural sector has been left out of major federal relief measures recently passed in Washington.

“New York state has been the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the country and this has had widespread impacts on all areas of life, including our economy. Farmers have continued their work, ensuring food supply is strong, but they still have lost a large portion of their sales and they are struggling,” said Friend, ranking minority member of the Assembly Committee on Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry. “I ask the federal government to partner with our farmers and provide them with the relief they deserve and need. Ensuring our farmers have all the support to recover will put our nation in a better position for economic recovery.”

New York’s agricultural industry is one of the largest sectors of the economy, and places it as an important leader nationally in farming. Agricultural activities generate $5 billion in sales, with $2.5 billion being attributed solely to dairy farming. The Assembly Minority members outlined several policies that, if adopted at the federal level, could be a significant help to New York farmers:

  • The USDA should ensure that New York receives the largest portion of the $2.2 trillion in funding provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. New York is the hardest hit state in the nation by COVID-19 and a leader in the dairy industry – it is strategic for the nation to invest in this state’s recovery;
  • The Small Business Administration (SBA) should declare farm and agricultural businesses as eligible for the $10,000 Economic Injury Disaster Loan provided for in the CARES Act;
  • The federal government must provide flexibility in farm loans announced by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and access to credit for the duration of the pandemic and economic recovery;
  • Congress must enact an additional stimulus package providing 100 percent federal reimbursement of monies lost to New York farmers that is not covered by the CARES Act and lasting at least 90 days after the present emergency period has expired;
  • The federal government should ensure that the H2-A visa program continues to operate;
  • The list of agricultural items should be expanded to include dairy products for the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program; and
  • The federal government should reimburse the state for any revenues lost by actions designed to reduce costs and regulatory burdens on the agricultural industry.

The letter can be read here.