Cuomo Turns Back on Veterans Again

A statement from Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C – East Aurora)

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C – East Aurora) slammed Gov. Cuomo’s decision to veto a pension buyback system for veterans for the second consecutive year. The bill (A.8174/S.5937) passed both chambers of the state legislature with very little debate or objection in either house.

“For the second year in a row, the governor has decided against allowing the brave men and women who served our nation honorably the opportunity to buyback pension time from during their time in the service,” DiPietro said. “This has been afforded to veterans of previous service and should be made available to those who have served in recent conflict and during peacetime. Three years of buyback pension time is the least our state can offer to those brave enough to stand guard for our country around the world and here at home.”

DiPietro sponsored Assembly Bill A.8174, and sponsors numerous other pieces of legislation designed to assist and honor our nation’s heroes. He supports legislation including a bill to award the “Campaign Medal for Service” to those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan (A.3652 and A.3714, respectively), and Assembly Bill A.6137, which would create a post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury trust fund to better serve our veterans when they return home.