As I'm writing this, the investigation is underway regarding this morning's tragic crane collapse on Worth Street. I am participating in a meeting this afternoon with City officials regarding this incident and hope that as more information emerges, we can learn how to ensure the safety of all New Yorkers and prevent future tragedies. My thoughts are with the families of those who were injured or killed.
I also want to make sure that everyone is aware of next week's New York City Council hearing regarding Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) and Zoning for Quality and Affordability (ZQA). These are City-wide proposals which would increase density throughout the City regardless of the realities of individual communities. Increasing affordable housing is essential for New York to maintain the diversity that makes this such a great city, but a one-size-fits-all approach is inappropriate and detrimental to individual communities.
The hearing on MIH is Tuesday, February 9th at 9:30AM at City Hall Council Chambers. The ZQA hearing is Wednesday, February 10th at 9:30AM also at City Hall Council Chambers. A vote by City Council will not take place until March, but these are the only public hearings at which to testify.
For more information regarding the MIH and ZQA proposals, please visit the Department of City Planning website, www.nyc.gov/dcp. For information on the hearings visit http://labs.council.nyc/land-use/mih-zqa/. I encourage everyone to attend these hearings and register your opposition to these intrusive measures.
Finally, next week I will also be a panelist at an event, Ethics in Government: Where do we go from here. The event is sponsored by New Democratic Dimensions, The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, National Women's Political Caucus and Common Cause NY. I will be joined on the panel by Councilmember Daniel Gardonick and former Councilmember Robert Jackson. The event will be held on Thursday, February 11th at the General Society Library, 20 W 44th Street. A reception starts at 5:15pm, and the discussion starts at 6:15pm. To rsvp, visit: www.chamber.nyc or email helana@chamber.nyc with questions.