Ra Honors Local Winner of His Annual Civics Contest

This week, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) honored Kaitlyn Goldman, the winner of his annual “There Ought to Be a Law” contest. The contest tasks local students with devising a legislative solution to a problem facing our society. Over 200 students participated in six different area schools.

Goldman attends Mineola Middle School. Her proposal would impose new regulations that reform the dog breeding process, a source of rampant animal cruelty.

“I want to thank all of the students who participated this year. It’s heartening to hear so many great ideas from students who genuinely want to change society for the better. I hope they all stay engaged in the political process. I want to extend special congratulations to Kaitlyn Goldman for her compassionate bill that would protect dogs from inhumane conditions. She’s a credit to her family, her teachers and the Mineola Middle School community,” said Ra.

Her parents and school officials were on hand for the plaque presentation.