DOT Approves Long-Sought Left Turn Signal Requested by Dinowitz and Cohen

After years of advocacy in the face of recurring denials, New York City Department of Transportation has reversed course and approved the installation of a left turn signal at Riverdale Avenue and West 231st Street

Bronx, NY – If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again. So goes the ubiquitous wisdom that has driven the years-long effort from Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz to install a left-turn signal for southbound traffic along Riverdale Avenue at West 231st Street. DOT had consistently rejected previous requests dating back to at least 2004, but community demands for safety improvements at the intersection have grown louder in recent years and were bolstered by support from Council Member Andrew Cohen after he first took office in 2014.

Last week, Cohen and Dinowitz hosted a press conference to draw attention to several problematic intersections along Riverdale Avenue between West 230th Street and West 236th Street – particularly at the West 231st Street intersection. Shortly after, DOT changed course and agreed to install a left turn signal.

Over five years ago, in January 2014, New York City launched the Vision Zero initiative to eliminate traffic fatalities within ten years. Since the launch of Vision Zero, at least three separate requests were made for a left turn signal from the local elected officials before DOT finally acquiesced and approved the installation of a left turn signal.

There are numerous schools, businesses, and residential developments in the immediate vicinity which has often led to conflicts between pedestrians crossing West 231st Street and turning vehicles from Riverdale Avenue. One block south along Riverdale Avenue at West 230th Street is an entrance to the former JFK campus, which now hosts seven public schools plus MS/HS 368 (over 1,000 students), and PS/MS 37 (over 600 students). In addition, a new high school (International Leadership Charter HS) opened in 2016 and now has an enrollment of over 400 students at 3030 Riverdale Avenue on the corner of West 231st Street. Two blocks east along West 231st Street, on Corlear Avenue, is another school (Amber Charter School) which has an enrollment of almost 300 students. West 231st Street is a busy commercial corridor for the surrounding neighborhood, featuring numerous restaurants, delis, and shops which specialize in personal and professional services.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz said: “I am so excited that finally, after all these years, DOT has agreed to give our community the left turn signal we need to ensure safety at the intersection of West 231st Street and Riverdale Avenue. With so many new buildings going up, including several schools, we have seen a marked increase in the amount of pedestrian traffic in recent years. This intersection has long been a problem, not only for pedestrians but also for drivers who are tired of saying their prayers every time they want to turn left onto West 231st Street. Thank you to all the local residents who have spoken up over the years to advocate for this improvement and also to Bronx Borough Commissioner Nivardo Lopez for agreeing to install the new turn signal. I look forward to a continued partnership in making our streets safer for all users and to the results of our safety study for lower Riverdale Avenue.”

Council Member Andrew Cohen said: “We have been requesting increased traffic safety measures at this location for many years so I am delighted to hear that we are finally receiving this necessary improvement. The Assemblyman and I remain committed to improving traffic safety in this corridor, which we doubled-down on last week with a call for a traffic study to be conducted by NYC DOT from W.231st Street to W.236th on Riverdale Avenue. This stretch of traffic has had over a dozen accidents have taken place since the beginning of the year so more must be done. It is my hope that this area will have leading indicator lights, pedestrian islands, increased cross walk times, and more so that we can stop all these close-call situations. Thank you to the community members who fought for this improvement and to our Bronx Borough Commissioner Nivardo Lopez for working to have this new turn signal installed.”