Our Climate Act Scoping Plan — Let Your Voice Be Heard!

On Dec. 30, 2021, the New York State Climate Action Council released its draft Scoping Plan, the state’s recommended blueprint for achieving the ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reductions and zero emissions power generation requirements. The full plan can be viewed at https://climate.ny.gov/Our-Climate-Act/Draft-Scoping-Plan. Among the highlights are:

  • No new gas service to existing buildings, beginning in 2024.
  • No natural gas within newly constructed buildings, beginning in 2024.
  • No new natural gas appliances for home heating, cooking, water heating, clothes drying beginning in 2030.
  • No gasoline-automobile sales by 2035.

What this plan doesn’t address is how to ensure cost, affordability and reliability for consumers in our community and across the state, as well as the potential to effect upstate New York to a greater degree than New York City. There is still time to have your voice heard; the Climate Action Council is accepting public comment until April 30th. Visit climate.ny.gov, email scopingplan@nyserda.nygov, or send a letter to:

Attn: Draft Scoping Plan Comments
17 Columbia Circle, Albany NY 12203