Assemblywoman Buttenschon: State Legislature Will Revoke Governor’s Emergency Powers

“Last March, when COVID-19 paralyzed our state with uncertainty, and concern for all in our communities, an overwhelmingly bipartisan legislative majority granted the Governor additional emergency powers to quickly deal with the sudden and unprecedented crisis. It is time to rescind these far-reaching powers and restore the constitutional order of checks and balances.

“Since May 2020, I have been the sponsor of legislation (A.1172) which would establish limits on the Governor’s emergency powers and provide far greater legislative authority over disaster declarations.As such, I will be supporting the recently announced legislation to repeal the temporary emergency powers that were granted to the Governor last year at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“Not only will this legislation repeal the extraordinary powers granted last year, it will provide an orderly transition as we make our way out of this emergency period and allow for directives which are necessary to curtail the spread of COVID-19 and increase vaccine distribution to continue. The Governor will now be required to report modifications to the Chairs of the relevant Assembly and Senate Committees, among other requirements and limitations.

“The people of the state of New York, through their legislative representatives, deserve to have more of a say in how the state reconciles with a statewide disaster. I look forward to passing this legislation once it is brought to the floor for a vote. I will continue advocating for the best interests of Mohawk Valley residents.”