Assemblyman Colton Applauds Governor Cuomo's Intention to Revoke National Grid's Certificate to Operate Downstate Gas Franchise

Assemblyman Colton (D – Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Dyker Heights) applauds Governor Cuomo for his intention to revoke National Grid’s certificate to operate downstate gas franchise.

As Governor Cuomo stated in his press release, with which Assemblyman Colton totally agrees, that it “clearly demonstrates that National Grid's operations are not in the public interest. National Grid's imposition of a moratorium on new development and the extension of the moratorium to existing customers harmed thousands of individuals. National Grid tacitly admitted this abuse pursuant to a Public Service Commission's finding that gas to more than 1,100 customers was wrongfully denied.”

“Until today National Grid is violating the public trust by refusing to provide gas service, which is a necessity for people, and this must stop. My office is still receiving number of complaints from all over Brooklyn. People are frustrated and worried that the cold weather is here, and they still have no heat, hot water and many have children and seniors in the house, where National Grid is holding people hostages and denying service to their customers just because they were denied a permit for the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project is inhumane,” Colton stated.

“At my press conference in August, I called for revoking National Grid’s license and I was grateful that Governor Cuomo stepped up and ordered the NYS Public Service Commission to investigate. After completing their investigation, the NYS Public Service Commission found that National Grid's actions clearly violated the state's mandated policy for utilities. I am pleased that Governor Cuomo gave 14 days notice to National Grid due to not providing adequate and reliable service,” Colton added.