Assemblyman Colton is Warning Parents That the Fight over the SHSAT Gifted-and-Talented Program is Not Over

Assemblyman William Colton (D – Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Dyker Heights) questioned whether Mayor De Blasio’s statement where he claimed he is changing his policy on eliminating the SHSAT test represents a real change in policy rather than a false attempt to deceive parents into stopping their demonstrations. Colton further noted that NYC Chancellor Carranza is still supporting scrapping the test.

Colton warned “the parents must not be fooled into thinking that the fight is over. It’s far from being over. In the mayor's statement he continues to call for other non SHSAT criteria to be used in selecting students for the specialized high schools.”

“Colton pointed out that the Mayor’s initial proposal also recommended utilizing other criteria for the selection process and then eliminating SHSAT altogether eventually in the future.” Assemblyman Colton asserted that the new proposal is simply a rewording of the old proposal is a deceptive attempt to lull parents into thinking he is no longer calling for the elimination of the SHSAT section process.

Colton went on to say “the mayor’s statement continues to ignore the DOE’s failure to provide gifted classes in all neighborhoods in the city. Therefore, it continues the policy utilized under this mayor and the prior mayor to deny gifted education to middle and early school aged children in those very school districts where the mayor claims children are being underrepresented in the specialized high schools.” Colton called on all parents to demand the expansion of gifted school classes in every school district so that all gifted children will receive their right to the quality education.”

“I will continue to do everything that is in my power to keep those programs for our children. I am also urging all the parents to continue to fight doubly hard to keep SHSAT as the sole criteria and to demand expanding gifted and talented programs to all the neighborhoods where the NYC DOE has been closing down such programs” Colton added.