Assemblyman Colton will be Hosting a Veterans Recognition Meeting

Assemblyman Colton (D – Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Dyker Heights) says that each year on November 11, we celebrate Veterans Day with parades with salutes to those who served and prayers for those who fell. On this day, our duty is to remember the sacrifices of all those who fought fearlessly to preserve our freedom.

Colton continues; “We are obligated to pay tribute to our heroes who have sacrificed for our country to keep it safe and strong. We celebrate Veterans Day to remember and never forget, and always be thankful to our servicemen and servicewomen who fought for our country and for our freedom.”

“Veterans Day is a day not only to remember those in the past who died in service to our country, but also to recognize those who continue to serve today. For many years my office has been having meetings to show appreciation to our veterans by presenting them with citations and USA flag lapels. This year annual the meeting to honor our Veterans will take place at 29 Bay 25 Street on November 20th, 2019 at 7 p.m.,” Colton said.

Assemblyman Colton stated, “If you are a veteran or you might know one who would like to be recognized, then please call at 718-236-1598 with the name, rank and branch of service.”