As the President and the Congress take action on a great many issues, including the Federal budget, tax cuts, Medicare, and prescription drugs, it is my intention as Chair of the Committee on State-Federal Relations to act as your liaison to Washington, keeping you informed and updated on the important issues and decisions being made. This first newsletter will focus on the 2000 Census and the related statistical reports that will be released in the near future. As we receive more information, I will provide you with supplemental reports and briefings. If you have any comments or concerns relative to this report, or would like to see any specific topic covered in the future, please let me know.
The 2000 Census:
The Census Bureau has begun releasing results from The 2000 Census of the Population and Housing. State population counts were released in December 2000. In coming weeks, the Census Bureau will gradually release increasingly detailed information on population and housing units, income, and more. Census data will include information for areas ranging from an individual block, i.e., the smallest territorial division for which the Census Bureau tabulates data, up to the entire country. Some files will contain individual-level information. This newsletter provides a brief overview of the 2000 Census, a list of the types of products the Census Bureau will distribute, and the schedule of their release. The last section depicts one of the major reasons the United States undergoes this mammoth process — figuring out how many representatives each state is allowed to have in Congress. |
A sample of one in six householders (approximately 17%) received a longer form, which included questions on the following additional subjects: Population:
Thus, some population and housing statistics are based on total counts, while other statistics are based on the 17% sample. |
The Census Bureau also uses other geographic divisions, such as "places" that do not follow the boundaries of the divisions listed above. Places may or may not have legally defined corporate limits within counties. The Bureau of the Census also uses the following divisions: American Indian/Alaska Native area and Hawaiian home lands; metropolitan areas; urban areas; voting districts; and, ZIP Code tabulation areas. |
For Census 2000, each respondent was allowed to identify one or more races to indicate his or her racial identity. The Census adopted the following basic classifications:
In addition to describing one’s race using the above categories, all respondents were asked to identify their ethnic origin as either "Hispanic or Latino" or "Not Hispanic or Latino." The Redistricting File released in March presents population counts broken down in 63 racial categories, including the six categories for those who reported only one race. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) To get a more accurate and detailed account of the kinds of jobs Americans have, the Census replaced the old Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) with a new classification system that recognizes 350 new industries in various sectors, such as fiber optic cable manufacturing in manufacturing, and warehouse clubs in retail trade. This will help provide a better picture of the changes in our economy. |
The most accessible data products will be in the form of tabulations, using the Demographic Profiles, Geographic Comparison Tables, or Quick Tables programs. These products will allow users to select and compare populations across demographic characteristics and geographic areas. Users who want to create their own tables will be able to access the data from which the products above are created. Some of these data will be in files called Summary File 1 (SF1) through Summary File 4 (SF4), and Race and Hispanic or Latino Summary File. In addition, users will have access to micro-data, i.e., individual-level data, through the Public Use Micro-data Sample (PUMS) Files. (Important note: information that could help determine a respondent’s identity and address has been removed.) |
Census 2000 Redistricting Summary File Released in March 2001, this file provides the information required for redistricting. It contains tabulations for total population and the population ages 18 years and over for 63 race categories, Hispanic or Latino, and race by not Hispanic or Latino. Data are presented down to the block level. Demographic Profile Part of Summary File 1, this file was released in May 2001. It contains selected population characteristics in a single table. Summary File 1 (SF1) To be released from June 2001 to June 2002, this file presents counts and basic cross-tabulations of the following information collected for all people and housing units: age, sex, race, Hispanic- or Latino-origin, household relationships, and selected housing characteristics. For certain tabulations, data will be available down to the block level. Summary File 2 (SF2) To be released from September 2001 to July 2002, this file presents basic population housing characteristics, presented for detailed race and Hispanic- or Latino-origin groups. The information will be presented down to the census track level. Summary File 3 (SF3) To be released in June-September 2002, this file will present information collected on the sample basis. It will contain the socio-economic characteristics of the population. It will be provided down to the block group level or the census tract level, depending on the data tabulation. Data will also be tabulated for ZIP Codes and Congressional districts. Summary File 4 (SF4) To be released in October 2002-February 2003, this file will include tabulations of sample data for selected race, Hispanic- or Latino-origin, ethnic, or ancestry groups. Public Use Micro-data Sample (PUMS) Files A one-percent file and a five-percent file are scheduled for release in 2000 and 2003, respectively. They will contain individual-level information and will be available on CD-ROM.
Census 2000 Release Schedule
New York’s Congressional Representation
Resident Population
For Additional Information,
Honorable Jeffrey Klein, Chair
Assembly Website: www.assembly.state.ny.us