Press Releases

Ra: We Must Create a Safe Home for All New Yorkers

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) joined fellow members of the Assembly Minority Conference on Tuesday, January 23, to unveil a task force report on preventing domestic violence in New York. Five regional forums were held across New York to bring...

Ra: It’s Time to Buckle Down and Prioritize this Year

“With New York facing a budget deficit of up to $4 billion, it is important we really buckle down and prioritize this year. Gov. Cuomo has already admitted this year will be a difficult one, which is why we must concentrate on what he does and doesn’t...

Ra Congratulates Franklin Square’s Newest Eagle Scout

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) was pleased to congratulate Franklin Square’s newest Eagle Scout and present a citation of honor to Connor O’Grady, of Troop 93 on Friday, January 5.

Ra Calls for Strengthening New York’s Education System and Providing Living Wages for Direct Care Workers

“With 2018 anticipated to be a difficult budget year, the needs of New Yorkers, such as property tax relief, investing in our public transportation systems and infrastructure and providing a living wage for direct-care workers, should be prioritized...

Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb Names Assemblyman Ed Ra Assistant Minority Leader Pro Tempore

Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua) today announced the appointment of Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) as Assistant Minority Leader Pro Tempore. The Assistant Minority Leader Pro Tempore plays a vital role in preparation...

Ra Welcomes the Islanders Back Home to Nassau County

"I was happy to join Gov. Cuomo and our local officials this morning to welcome the Islanders home to Nassau County with the announcement of a Belmont arena,” said Ra. “This is an exciting day for our local area and Islanders fans everywhere as development...

L.I. Assembly Members Support New Plan to Help Special Education Students Earn High School Diplomas

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is excited to announce that New York’s Board of Regents has voted unanimously on a plan which would offer an alternative route for students to earn high school diplomas. Ra and Assemblyman Dean Murray (R,C,I-East...

Ra Attends Hearing Regarding Water Quality Infrastructure Act of 2017

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) attended a hearing on December 4 regarding water quality and the implementation of the $2.5 billion Clean Water Infrastructure Act of 2017. Representatives from the Department of Health (DOH) and Department of Environmental...

Ra Writes To Speaker Ryan Urging For The Protection Of Middle-Class Long Islanders In Washington Tax Reforms

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) recently wrote to U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wi.) to express his concern over the proposed Federal Tax Reform Bill. The bill in its current form would have many middle-class suburban Long Islanders facing higher...

Local Students Stay Sharp With Ra’s Summer Reading Challenge

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is pleased to announce the success of his annual Summer Reading Challenge, which encourages adolescents to read during their summer vacation from school. Participants and their families gathered at the Hillside Public...

Ra: Give Another Person A Second Chance At Life

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is proud to support Organ Donor Enrollment Day, an event run by LiveOnNY, on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Participants sign up individually or in teams and organize events where they educate their fellow New Yorkers on what...

Ra Partners With Girl Scouts And Rock Out Cures Inc. For Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Drive

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) hosted a disaster relief drive for Hurricane Harvey with Girl Scout Troop 1888 and Rock Out Cures Inc. Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is proud to announce the success of the disaster relief drive for...

Ra Hosts Successful End Of Summer Food Drive

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is pleased to announce the success of his annual Summer Food Drive to End Hunger, which collected 1,021 pounds of food on Saturday, September 9 at the King Kullen in Franklin Square. The food will be distributed to...

Ra Announces Microvillus Inclusion Disease Awareness Day

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is proud to announce that after the passage of a Resolution he introduced this past legislative session, Saturday, September 16 will be known as Microvillus Inclusion Disease (MVID) Awareness Day in New York. Ra...

Ra Honors Local Vets At Heroes Night Out

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Ra honors local vets at Heroes Night Out. Ra honors local vets at Heroes Night Out. Ra honors local vets at Heroes Night Out. Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) spent time with local veterans last weekend at his annual Heroes Night Out BBQ...

Ra Senior Series

Ra Honored With Prestigious Merit Award From 4201 Schools Association

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Since he was elected to the state Legislature Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) has worked to provide equitable funding for schools that serve all types of student needs. Monday, his dedication was awarded by the 4201 Schools of New York State with...

Ra Invites Veterans to Attend Free BBQ

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) invites veterans to attend his free annual Veterans BBQ, which will once again be held at the Franklin Square VFW. Veterans are invited to bring one guest and are asked to make reservations with Ra’s district office...

Ra Skeptical But Hopeful On 3rd Rail Project

“With funding now in place for the Governor's third track project I remain skeptical but hopeful that the improvements promised to our communities will help both commuters and non-commuters alike. In particular, the elimination of several grade crossings...

Vet's BBQ