Press Releases

Ra: Cuomo Blocks Veterans Equality, Again

Today, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is criticizing the governor for, once again, wrongfully vetoing legislation that would ensure great financial benefit to many veterans across New York State. Ra has been a long-time co-sponsor of the legislation...

Ra to Host Active Living Series for Seniors

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) invites members of the community to join him for a four-week Active Living Program Series. The event, presented by Winthrop University Hospital, will be held on four consecutive Wednesdays beginning October 7 from...

Ra Expresses Frustration with King’s Appointment As U.S. Secretary Of Education

“Following the recent news of Arne Duncan’s resignation, I was disappointed with the decision to appoint former New York State Education Commissioner John King as acting U.S. Secretary of Education. “Throughout Duncan’s tenure, we saw an...

Ra Celebrates 2015 Women of Distinction

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Assemblyman Ed Ra stands with 2015 Honoree Nina McCann of Williston Park. On Saturday, September 26, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) hosted his 2015 Women of Distinction Ceremony. The event, which took place at the Albertson VFW Post 5253, honored...

Ra: To Fix Education in NY, We Must Start Fresh

"At the recent unveiling of his Common Core Task Force, Gov. Cuomo stated that he has heard the message from across the state, and is ready to take action to fix our schools. While it is necessary to evaluate the undeniably flawed Common Core system,...

Ra to Host Community Meet and Greet

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) invites members of the community to join him for a Meet and Greet to discuss state issues such as the state budget, protection for senior citizens, education and other topics of interest. The event will be held on...

Ra Pleased With Push For New Common Core Standards

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) today reiterated his support for a comprehensive review of the implementation of the Common Core Standards in light of Gov. Cuomo’s recent comments on the issue. Ra stressed that while he is glad the governor is...

Ra To Honor Local Veterans With “Heroes Night Out” Barbecue

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) will host his free barbecue dinner to honor local veterans. The annual event will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 13 at VFW Post 2718 in Franklin Square. “Every year, I look forward to this very...

Ra, Montesano To Host Community Blood Drive

Assemblymen Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) and Michael Montesano (R,C,I-Glen Head) will sponsor their annual community blood drive with the Gold Coast Public Library and Long Island Blood Services. The event will take place Monday, July 20 from 1:30 to 7:30...

Extended Session Ends With Many Issues Left Unresolved

“As we finally end the 2015 session, we can look back knowing that some progress has finally been made for New York’s education system. The final, major bill established a review committee that would evaluate standardized tests and assessments to...

As Session Winds Down, Opportunity To Address Education Flaws Dwindles

“Earlier this week, members of the New York State Board of Regents met to discuss changes to the newly-created teacher evaluation system. The process, which has been surrounded by controversy since its introduction, has been slightly altered to allow...

Ra: Flawed Education Policies Must Be Addressed In Final Days Of Session

“With less than 10 days to go in this year’s Legislative Session, we must take action to ease the concerns surrounding New York’s education system. Recently, seven members of the Board of Regents signed on to a letter highlighting the need to take...

Ra Celebrates Animal Advocacy Day

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Yesterday, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) celebrated the 5th annual New York State Animal Advocacy Day. The event brought together legislators, their pets, animal advocacy groups and law enforcement officials to discuss ways that we can better...

Ra Calls For Passage Of Legislation To Support New York Veterans

In the remaining few weeks of this year’s Legislative Session, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is urging passage of legislation that would greatly benefit many veterans in his community. Ra is a co-sponsor on the legislation, known as the...

Assemblymen Ra, Finch, Local Officials, Education Experts To Discuss Solutions To School Violence At Assembly Minority Task Force On School Safety Hearing In Garden City

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) and Assemblyman Gary D. Finch (R,C,I-Springport), Co-Chairmen of the Assembly Minority Task Force on School Safety, will join education, mental health and law enforcement experts, as well as other community stakeholders,...

New SED Commissioner Could Mean Fresh Start For NY Schools

“While I am hopeful that the New York State Education Department’s commissioner-elect, MaryEllen Elia, will bring a fresh perspective to the table, I am equally discouraged by the business-as-usual approach to selecting her for the position. This...

Making Progress For Education In New York State

“I am pleased to have joined my Assembly colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass meaningful changes to the flawed education policies of recent years. The legislation (A.7303-A) would begin to correct many of the unproven reforms that were implemented...

Ra, Long Island Colleagues Urge Congress To Reduce Standardized Testing

Assemblymen Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square), Al Graf (R,C,I-Holbrook), Dave McDonough (R,C,I-Merrick) and Dean Murray (R,C,I-East Patchogue) recently introduced a Legislative Resolution urging support for efforts to reduce the annual testing mandate imposed...

Assemblyman Ra Sponsors Summer Reading Challenge

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is announcing the 2015 Summer Reading Challenge. This program, sponsored by Ra in conjunction with New York State libraries, is designed to encourage children across the state to continue reading throughout their...

Exclusive Meetings Mean Limited Results

“It is discouraging that the state education department has decided upon a one-time, ‘invite only’ meeting to discuss the highly-controversial teacher evaluation process. Only 200 tickets are being distributed. “By limiting the conversation...