
Keeping You Informed

Assemblyman Ed Ra is Fighting for Public Safety

2020 Summer Reading Challenge - Sponsored by Assemblyman Edward P. Ra

Ra Holds Press Conference to Call for Group Home Visitation, Home Visits and Opening of Day Hab Programs

On June 15, Assemblywoman Melissa “Missy” Miller (R,C,I-Atlantic Beach) was joined by Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston), Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro for a Zoom press conference...

Thank You, Essential Workers!

Clean Water

Important Information about New STAR Program Changes

Senior Scam Prevention

Assemblyman Ra Invites You to Heroes' Night Out

Join NYS Assemblymen Ed Ra & Michael Montesano at their Community Blood Drive

Assemblyman Edward Ra invites you to nominate Women of Distinction for 2019

A Fall Newsletter from Assemblyman Ed Ra!

Fighting for the Future of Our Schools

Shred & Shed

Assemblyman Ed Ra is fighting to end corruption in New York!

Donate blood save a life

Assemblyman Ed Ra Invites You to Heros' Night Out

You Are Invited To Nominated A Woman You Know Who Is Contributing To Our Way Of Life

A Spring Senior Newsletter from Assemblyman Ed Ra!

Important Information for Long Island’s Seniors

Attention New York American Water Customers!