Press Releases

Ra Announces DOT Now Required By Law to Report Conditions of Roads and Bridges

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) announced that A.4010-B which passed the Assembly in June 2021 has been signed into law by Governor Hochul. The bill, which was passed with unanimous bi-partisan support, requires the Department of Transportation...

Ra Reacts to State Health Department Extension of Mask Mandates

“As I’ve been saying for months, local districts and health departments should be determining what measures are being utilized in our schools and activities. Any statewide mandates should be coming from the state Legislature as laws — not overreaching...

Ra Responds to Assembly Judiciary Report on Andrew Cuomo

“This morning, the Assembly Judiciary Committee released their report into former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s illicit actions against several New York State and private sector employees over the course of his political tenure. The stories of over 200 interviewed...

Ra Supports Bill To Lower Costs On Dozens Of Everyday Items

The cost of getting ready for work, going to work, and eating at work continues to rise at alarming rates. Wages aren’t, generally speaking. As inflation and demand have risen to an all-time high, it’s time to take action to help our hardworking...

Ra Celebrates the 2021 Veterans Portrait Project Exhibit with Local Students and Veterans

Assemblyman Ed Ra joins the 8th grade students of Notre Dame School and local veterans for the 2021 Veterans Portrait Project.
Yesterday, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) joined 8th grade students from Notre Dame School in New Hyde Park as well as local veterans and their families to celebrate the 2021 Veterans Portrait Project at the Long Island Children's Museum. This...

Bill to Deliver Real Relief to NY American Water Customers Signed by Gov. Hochul

“I’m pleased to see Gov. Kathy Hochul sign our bipartisan bill to bring real, meaningful relief to North Shore ratepayers. “By making our water public our North Shore communities will have reliable access to water that’s safe and affordable for...

Ra Celebrates 12 Women Of Distinction Of The 19th Assembly District

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) honored 12 women as “Women of Distinction” from the 19th Assembly District. These women were selected for their notable accomplishments professionally and in the community last week. Additionally, he presented...

Appreciating Our Firefighters As We End Fire Safety Week

Our firefighters deserve the utmost recognition for their selfless dedication to protecting our homes and loved ones from harm. While so many of us seek to avoid danger at all costs, these heroic men and women stand up and run into the fire. When the...

20 Years Later- Reflecting On 9/11

Twenty years isn’t a very long time. Not for the children who lost parents in Manhattan and Kandahar and over Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Not for the paramedics and cops and firefighters who will remember it like yesterday for the rest of their lives....

A New Approach Requires Collaboration and Enhanced Local Decision Making

“I’m appreciative of Gov. Hochul’s desire to establish a significantly different tone and operation than the previous administration. In particular, she recently stated she would combat COVID-19 with a more collaborative approach instead of top-down...

A Chance for a Fresh Start

“This is a historic day. I’m sending congratulations and best wishes to Gov. Hochul. I’m hopeful for a return to bipartisanship and good government that delivers for all New Yorkers,” said Ra.

Local Veterans Keep Ra’s Annual Appreciation Picnic Special

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) recently held his annual “Heroes For Heroes” veterans appreciation picnic at VFW Post 2718 in Franklin Square. With the help of volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 93, Ra and his staff were able to serve over 100...

Assemblyman Ed Ra Statement On Cuomo’s Resignation

“This is what’s right for our state. While Andrew Cuomo’s resignation does not absolve him in any of his ongoing criminal investigations, it does allow our government to move forward. The Minority and the Majority needs to work together to ensure...

Ra Calls for Special Session to Impeach Governor after Release of Damning AG Report

“The findings of the attorney general’s report confirm what so many of us already knew- this governor isn’t fit to lead. Majority and Minority lawmakers must to come together and take a definitive, bipartisan stand against sexual harassment and...

Ra Cheers Admin Reversal on Masks in Summer School

“The administration has finally decided to follow the science, follow the data and listen to parents, educators and my Minority colleagues in the Legislature- they’re no longer requiring masks in summer school. I want to thank all of the parents in...

We Already Have the Answer to Stopping Gun Violence - the Police

“Today, the governor announced his plan to combat our state’s surging gun violence epidemic. It’s insulting. He thinks the answer is new state bureaucracy. He’s imposing new mandates on law enforcement. He’s spending $60 million to create state-funded...

Ra Applauds Signing of Bill Ensuring Opioid Settlement Dollars Fund Treatment, Recovery Efforts

“Pharmaceutical companies that played a sinister role in fueling the opioid crisis are being held accountable. I was pleased to support legislation requiring hundreds of millions of settlement dollars coming to the state be spent on treatment and recovery....

Ra Thanks Community For Generous Support Of Food Drive

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is pleased to announce that his annual Breakfast Food Drive was a success. Ra and his partners from Hillside Public Library, Notre Dame School, New Hyde Park Road School and St. Anne’s School collected over 800...

Ra Honors Outstanding Students, Crowns Champion of Popular Civics Contest

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Last week Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) honored the semifinalists and winner of his annual civics competition, “There Ought To Be A Law,” at a ceremony in Mineola Memorial Park. Over 175 members of our community attended. Students from nine...

Albany’s Priorities Aren’t New Yorkers’ Priorities

“On their way out of Albany this week, Assembly Majority lawmakers reminded middle-class New Yorkers how little they have in common with them. Most New Yorkers are deeply concerned about public safety. Assembly Majority members did nothing to address...