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Assemblyman McGowan Condemns Hateful Language Used at Islamic Center of Rockland

“I am deeply disturbed to hear of an incident at the Islamic Center of Rockland, where a speaker reportedly stated, “Destroy all Zionist Jews.” Religious leaders and speakers, who are entrusted to guide their congregations, must be held to a high...

McGowan Responds to Fiscal Crisis in East Ramapo Central School District

“As the East Ramapo Central School District (ERCSD) faces financial ruin with a reported $20 million deficit entering the 2024-2025 academic year, State Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa directed the ERCSD Board last week to raise school taxes by...

McGowan: Congestion Pricing Halted

“While I am pleased the New York City congestion pricing program will be delayed from its planned June 30 commencement date, this delay is not enough—we must fully rescind this disastrous policy. Congestion pricing will unfairly cost Hudson Valley...

McGowan Calls for Transparency and Overview of Migrant Aid

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) attended a press conference today hosted by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) to call for greater transparency regarding the taxpayer-funded humanitarian assistance for the ongoing migrant crisis in New York...

McGowan Joined Minority Members to Squash Squatting Problem in New York

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Pearl River) was joined by members of the Assembly Minority Conference today to address the growing issue of squatting in New York City, and needed changes to state property laws. Landlords and small property owners were...

McGowan: Local Roads Matter

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) attended a press conference today, Feb. 15, 2024, to advocate for additional Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funding in the state budget, which includes critical infrastructure...
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