New 'Homelessness Prevention' Pilot Program
The 'Homelessness Prevention' pilot program, successfully championed by Assemblyman Hevesi in this years state budget, will allow localities the latitude to raise rent subsidies to the Fair Market Rent standard set by HUD. The program, which in its first year will serve New York City, will assist those in the process of losing their housing for compelling reasons including domestic violence and other circumstances. The pilot program request was first initiated by letter from Hevesi to the Speaker of the Assembly in February, and was signed by nearly 40 of his Assembly colleagues. Hevesi, who was appointed Chair of the Assembly Social Services Committee just two weeks before the letter was sent, stressed the need for preventative service funding through the expansion of Family Eviction Prevention Subsidy (FEPS) eligibility in order to address the continued increase of individuals facing homelessness in New York State. Hevesi's letter stated that the inclusion of such a pilot program will ultimately avert individuals from becoming homeless, and is a far more humane and cost effective practice than trying to rehouse people after they have been placed in the shelter system.
District Office: 70-50 Austin Street, Suite 110, Forest Hills, NY 11375 • 718-263-5595
Albany Office: Room 742 Legislative Office Building, Albany, NY 12248 • 518-455-4926
Email: hevesia@assembly.state.ny.us