Assemblyman Aron B. Wieder has been a proud resident of Rockland County for over 30 years. He lives in Spring Valley with his wife, a lifelong Rockland resident, and their two children. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Assemblyman Wieder graduated from Machzikei Hadas Yeshiva before continuing his studies at rabbinical college in Israel.
In 2008, Aron Wieder was elected to the East Ramapo School Board. Over the course of his three-year term, he served as vice president and, later, as president of the board. During his time on the board, he championed the introduction of a full-day kindergarten program and raised private funds to support the renowned East Ramapo Marching Band.
Under his leadership, the district's graduation rate improved. For his efforts, Assemblyman Wieder received the prestigious Board Excellence Award from the New York State School Boards Association—the highest honor for any school board member in Rockland County. He was also recognized with a Certificate of Excellence by the Rockland County School Boards Association, reflecting his tireless advocacy for East Ramapo’s students, faculty, and taxpayers.
From 2009 to 2011, Wieder served as Confidential Assistant to the Mayor of Spring Valley, a village home to a large Haitian population. In the wake of the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, he made national headlines for coordinating a massive fundraising effort, securing hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from local businesses for medical supplies, and organizing a mission of nurses to provide essential care to the people of Haiti. In recognition of his extraordinary humanitarian work, he was honored by the French-Speaking Baptist Church and other local organizations.
In 2011, Wieder was elected to the Rockland County Legislature, representing Spring Valley. Elected and re-elected for four terms, he became a leading voice for fiscal responsibility and property tax relief. He worked diligently to address Rockland’s budget deficit, advocating for relief from unfunded state mandates that burdened local taxpayers. He also supported key legislation to improve the environment and promote social justice.
One of his signature accomplishments was shepherding the Stonehouse Road flood mitigation project through the legislative process, securing both state and federal approvals to resolve a decades-long flooding crisis in his district. This project remains the largest infrastructure initiative in the Village of Spring Valley in recent history.
During his time as a legislator, Wieder served as Majority Leader, Chair of the Public Safety Committee, and later as Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. Under his leadership, he successfully introduced and approved budgets that reduced property taxes twice while maintaining essential services for county residents.
Assemblyman Aron Wieder is committed to continuing his work on behalf of the families of District 97, advocating for fiscal responsibility, public safety, and a better quality of life for all residents.