Tague, Oberacker Celebrate Passage of Virtual Court Arraignment Bill

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C-Schoharie) and Sen. Peter Oberacker (R,C-51st District) are celebrating the passage of their bill, A.6738A/S.6798A, which offers local courts in Delaware, Otsego and Schoharie counties of allowing defendents being arraigned to appear via virtual methods, rather than in-person, at the courts’ discretion. This is a policy carryover from the COVID-19 pandemic, where then it was a necessity to remain distant for the health and well-being of members of the community. Now, virtual sessions save time and resources for local courts, and Tague and Oberacker couldn’t be more pleased to see this bill pass into law.

“It’s an issue rural communities have been championing since the end of the pandemic, and through bipartisan cooperation in government, we were able to pass a bill that serves local interests. I couldn’t be prouder of the work done here,” Tague said. “I want to thank my colleague, Sen. Oberacker, for his partnership in bringing this bill to the floor, as well as Governor Hochul for signing it into law. And many thanks, of course, to the local advocates and partners who all made their voices heard throughout this process. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

Sen. Oberacker said, “I am deeply proud to see this crucial legislation signed into law. It’s a transformative step that addresses a giant need in our rural communities while saving valuable time and resources while enhancing the safety and security for our judicial system. Thank you to Assemblyman Tague for your leadership in the Assembly, Governor Hochul for her decisive action on this bill, and to our local partners and advocates who were crucial in making this significant change a reality.”

Schoharie County Sheriff Ron Stevens said, "I'm thankful for the partnership with Assemblyman Tague and Senator Oberacker to get this law established in New York. Courts in Schoharie county can now move more efficiently and operate with less overhead as a result of this change, and I know the local courts are grateful for the support. It's a net benefit for all in the judicial system, and we're immensely thankful that the state government passed it into law."

Schoharie County District Attorney Susan Mallery said, “I would like to thank Assemblyman Tague, Sen. Peter Oberacker, the legislature and Governor Hochul. New York State’s rural counties are struggling with staffing shortages. This law helps local governments run more efficiently with the staffing available, while protecting all rights of the accused.”

Delaware County Sheriff Craig DuMond said, “Today marks a crucial victory for the law enforcement community in Delaware County. This bill empowers us to combat crime more effectively in an era where too many laws are tipping the scales in favor of criminals. Thank you to Senator Oberacker and Assemblyman Tague for making it unequivocally clear that our allegiance is with the brave men and women who protect our communities, not with those who threaten them.”

Delaware County District Attorney Shawn Smith said, “We have reached a significant milestone today with the signing of Senator Oberacker and Assemblyman Tague’s electronic appearance bill. This legislation is a triumph for the safety of our officers of the court and local law enforcement by reducing the massive risks associated with transporting criminals while also saving taxpayer dollars. I look forward to our continued partnership and dedication to protecting our communities.”

Otsego County Sheriff Richard Devlin said, “This bill marks, perhaps, the first time in recent memory that legislation has been signed that both benefits taxpayers while enhancing the safety of our communities. Electronic arraignments put the safety and security of law enforcement first, and it’s a huge step forward. Thank you to Assemblyman Tague and Senator Oberacker for their unyielding commitment to the Otsego Sheriff’s Office and the brave men and women in law enforcement.”

Otsego County District Attorney John Muehl said, “Virtual arraignment court is something we saw deployed temporarily during the height of the pandemic, and I’m happy to see Senator Oberacker and Assemblyman Tague take the initiative to make this measure permanent in Otsego County. Our courts are more secure, members of law enforcement are safer, and the taxpayers will see much-needed relief because of this vital change. I applaud Senator Oberacker and Assemblyman Tague for their efforts.”

“This measure is poised to save time and resources for our rural courts and communities, and I’m so honored to have been just a small part of helping make life better for my home and my neighbors,” Tague concluded.