Tague Celebrates Passage of Greene County Public Defender Law

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C-Schoharie) is happy to report that his bill, A.9916, passed into law last week following the governor’s signature. The bill, which was drafted at the request of Greene County officials, allows non-Greene County residents to serve as assistant public defenders in the county, thereby expanding the hiring pool to fill empty spaces and adjudicate court and trial proceedings more quickly. Tague was happy to serve his community in this capacity.

“The men and women of the Green County attorney’s office work diligently and effectively, so I was more than happy to help provide them with more support,” Tague said. “Our country relies on public defenders, so ensuring that Greene County has the widest pool to pick from ensures this county finds the best defenders it can. I’m grateful to Governor Kathy Hochul for signing this bill into law, I’m grateful to Senator Michelle Hinchey for her partnership in the Senate to get this bill passed, and I’m glad Greene County will have more to work with moving forward.”