Tague and Seward Plan to Protect Insurance Consumers In 2019

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) and Sen. James L. Seward (R/C/I/Ref-Oneonta) are pleased to announce their insurance priorities for the 2019 Legislative Session. Their particular focus is two-fold, with an analysis to reform both tort law and the scaffold law.          

“I am immensely honored to be working alongside Sen. Seward to develop a plan of action to reform personal insurance issues,” Tague said. “People need to have a sense of security and confidence in the law protecting them and their businesses, and there is no one more qualified to help develop the needed reforms than Sen. Seward. Together, I am hopeful that we can get these reforms through in the 2019 session.”

“Having chaired the Senate Insurance Committee for a number of years, I know full well the importance of this vital business sector – our hometown agents in particular protect consumers and enhance our local economy,” Sen. James L. Seward said. “Working with Assemblyman Tague, I am confident we can enact additional reforms that will strengthen these vital employers while shielding needed protections for all.”