Elder Criminals Rejoice: Fast Tracked To Parole
Late last week, the Assembly Majority announced they were pushing legislation that will permit the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible parole release. The legislation comes on the heels of the recent April 17 release of Judith Clark, a domestic terrorist and felon. Tague is especially concerned with the potential for the release of murderers, cop killers, pedophiles and rapists.
Here comes another bill down the pipeline highlighting the Assembly Majoritys pro-criminal agenda. Fast tracking parole to aged inmates over 55 opens the door to all manner of criminals to be released back onto our streets. While it doesnt order their release, its a foot in the door for those who commit some of the most heinous crimes to be let loose, even if they havent served their minimum sentence. Its frankly unbelievable.