Tague: Protecting Our Justice System

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) has joined many of his colleagues in support of a new bill introduced by Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) to repeal the criminal justice package passed by the Assembly. The package of bills was condemned by law enforcement officials for removing judicial discretion on holding prisoners, grossly expanding cash bail options for sex offenders, murderers, potential terrorists and other so-called ‘reforms’. Tague is concerned that the changes to the justice system will hamper public faith in the judicial process.

“The criminal justice reforms from the 2019 session jeopardize the safety of all New Yorkers,” Tague said. “Bail reform that allows sex offenders and murderers out onto the streets, gutting of the criminal discovery process and unsustainable alterations to how our police officers protect us are not the way to ensure public safety. I applaud Assemblyman Brabenec for pushing to have these changes repealed and I urge all my peers in the Legislature to join him.”

According to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services’ statistics, between 92 and 96 percent of arrests would be exempt from bail once the law goes into effect on January 1. In Greene County alone, 97 percent of arrests would be exempt from bail and in Schoharie County 95 percent would be exempt, allowing vast numbers of criminals to be caught and then immediately released back into our communities.