Tague: Heastie Doubling Down On Bail Reform

A statement by Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) on Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s position on bail reform.

“I’m stunned by the Speaker’s stubbornness on this. But that’s New York Majority politicians for you, instead of keeping everyone up in Albany while the Legislature was in session and fixing or fully repealing the disastrous bail reform laws they sent everyone home.

“Now, we’re still at risk of someone getting hurt or killed, and Speaker Heastie and the governor are doing absolutely nothing about it.

“You heard it here folks, the Majority don’t care that you and your family’s lives are at risk. Let’s hope that to paraphrase the speaker, ‘…giving the laws more time…’ doesn’t cost someone their life or livelihood.”