Tague Calls for Bail Reform Repeal

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) attended a press conference this morning held by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) and the Assembly Minority Conference to call for the full repeal of the bail reform measures from last year. Tague stands with his peers to prevent events like the hit and run on Christmas Eve, which resulted in the death of a mother of three and the release of a man last week who shot and killed his girlfriend in front of their 4-year-old daughter by sponsoring legislation (A.8855) to protect all New Yorkers.

“I’ve been extremely vocal about this and now standing with the families of victims of these criminals I’m even more resolved to repeal this law,” Tague said. “State Majority politicians have fully sided with the criminals in this state, to the point that they’re killing innocents across New York. It’s frankly disgusting that they’re refusing to budge when lives are being lost and families are being destroyed. Stand up with us and demand they repeal this law. Too many have been harmed and the toll is growing every day.”

Tague was joined by law enforcement officials from the 102nd District to join their voices to the call for repeal including Sheriff Kusminsky from Greene County, Sheriff Stevens from Schoharie County and District Attorney Joseph Stanzione from Greene County.