Tague Attends Rally to Repeal Bail Reform

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) attended a rally in Albany today, standing with over 250 members of law enforcement, state senators and assemblymen, calling for a full repeal of bail reform. Tague echoes the message of the rally to prevent events like the hit and run on Christmas Eve, which resulted in the death of a mother of three and the release of a man who shot and killed his girlfriend in front of their 4-year-old daughter, by sponsoring legislation (A.8855) to protect all New Yorkers.

“I think the rally speaks for itself,” Tague said. “So many members of law enforcement, district attorneys, sheriffs, victims, families of victims, the people on the front lines and the people being harmed. Too much pain and too much anguish have been felt to let this stand any longer. Repeal Bail Reform!”