Press Releases

$5.5 Million in Grant Opportunities Available to Support New Farmland Protection Initiatives Statewide

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that $5.5 million is now available through two new grant opportunities to advance farmland protection efforts throughout the state. Building on the state’s historic investment in farmland...

Assemblyman Thiele: National African American History Month Commemorates Black Achievements and Unwavering Perseverance

This February, we remember and pay tribute to those who persevered through racial oppression, intolerance and injustice to pave the way for civil rights in our country; we also recognize those who have taken up the helm in today’s challenging times....

Statement from State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. on Federal Proposal to Permit Oil and Gas Drilling Off the Coast of Long Island

All levels of government on Long Island are engaged in intensive efforts to improve the quality of our surface waters. New York State is home to 3 of the 28 estuaries of national significance, including the Peconic Bay, New York Harbor, and Long Island...

Thiele and LaValle Introduce Long Island Power Authority Rate Reform Act

Assemblyman Fred Thiele and State Senator Ken LaValle introduced the “Long Island Power Authority Rate Reform Act” on January 18, 2018. The legislation would require the Long Island Power Authority Board of Trustees, when considering a rate increase...

Elected Officials Again Call on NYS DOT to Pave All of Route 114

Six local elected officials, led by Assemblyman Fred Thiele and State Senator Ken LaValle, in a letter dated December 21, 2017, have called upon the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to repave an 8 mile stretch of State Route 114 from...

Statement of Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele: We Must Always Keep the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Alive

Every year on the third Monday in January, we celebrate a true hero – the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Originally established in 1983 as a federal holiday marking the birthday of Dr. King, the meaning behind this special day continues to grow and...

Statement of Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. on 2018 Priorities

The 2018 State Legislative Session began last week with Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Address. This week, the State Assembly will formally begin its legislative business. On January 17, the Governor will release his proposed 2018 Executive Budget...

Shelter Island Bridge Listed on State Register of Historic Places

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that the Ransome Japanese Bridge on Shelter Island has been listed on the State Register of Historic Places. This bridge is highly significant as one of only two known surviving bridges built...

$26 Million Available for Affordable Homeownership Statewide

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) is pleased to announce the availability of $26 million for the Affordable Home Ownership Development Program, according to Governor Cuomo. Grants can be used to make improvements to existing owner-occupied...

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele: Repealing Net Neutrality Puts Up More Barriers at a Time We Should Be Removing Them

The creation of the internet opened a new frontier in our society, ushering in the information age. Until last week, it had been a level playing field where users could freely surf the web, whether it was to communicate with loved ones, seek knowledge,...

Governor Signs Thiele/LaValle Legislation Requiring Public Disclosure of PSEG-LI Executive Compensation, Consultant Fees and Contract Fees

Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed legislation sponsored by State Assemblyman Fred Thiele and State Senator Ken LaValle that requires PSEG-LI to make public, in connection with any rate petition, all compensation, including executive pay, and all fees to...

Governor Signs Thiele/LaValle Legislation Creating State Seafood Marketing Task Force

State Assemblyman Fred Thiele and State Senator Ken LaValle today announced that Governor Cuomo has signed their legislation creating a New York State Seafood Marketing Task Force. In addition, Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Marine Program previously...

Statement of Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. “Federal Tax Bill Will Hurt Our Local Economy”

The final version of the federal tax bill is now in print. I spent the better part of this weekend reading the more than 500 pages of tax changes that will go into effect after the bill is approved by Congress and signed by the President later this week....

Assemblyman Thiele: Every New Yorker Deserves a Chance at Economic Security and Success

Hardworking New Yorkers should not have to worry about whether they’ll have enough money to put food on the table or if they’ll be able to pay the rent or mortgage at the end of the month. Everyone who puts in an honest day’s work should be able...

State Economic Development Funding Will Assist East End Economy

State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr., (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today announced that the East End will benefit from the economic development grants recently announced by Governor Cuomo through the Regional Economic Development Councils. Governor Cuomo...

Resurfacing Work Begins Near Shinnecock Canal Bridge

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) is pleased to announce that the New York State Department of Transportation has begun resurfacing work on the approaches to the bridge over Shinnecock Canal. As part of the work, one-and-a-half inches...

Assemblyman Thiele: New York’s Paid Family Leave Begins in January

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) wants to remind New Yorkers that the state’s new paid family leave program begins on January 1. The Assembly Majority spearheaded the creation of the program, recognizing that for too long, workers...

Thiele Joins in Urging Establishment of State Task Force to Address Sexual Harassment in State Government

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. has joined with Assemblywoman Sandy Galef of Westchester County in calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to immediately convene a Task Force charged with comprehensively reviewing existing state government policies and making...

Design to Commence for Sunrise Highway Interchange at Barnes Road in Mastic/Moriches

State Senator Ken LaValle and State Assemblyman Fred Thiele today announced that after they secured a $5 million appropriation in the 2017 State Budget to construct a new interchange on Sunrise Highway at Barnes Road in Mastic/Moriches, the State Department...

Statement of Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele on the Montaukett Bill Veto

In 1910, a New York court stripped the Montaukett Nation of its tribal lands and declared the Nation to be extinct with its leaders sitting in the courtroom. It was genocide by legal fiat and has been criticized by subsequent state judges. In 2013, the...