Press Releases

Thiele: $26 Million Available for Farmland Protection Projects

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today announced the availability of $26 million through the Farmland Protection Implementation Grant program to help farmers across New York State protect valuable and at-risk farmland. The Farmland...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Proposal Includes Funds for Southern Pine Beetle Eradication

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today announced that the Assembly Budget Proposal would allow for the use of Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) funds on southern pine beetle eradication efforts. The southern pine beetle is responsible...

Thiele: Assembly Ethics Reform Helps Restore Integrity in Government

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor), announced the Assembly passed an ethics reform proposal to increase transparency in government and to limit the influence of special interests (A.9535). The legislation builds on previous Assembly...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Provides More Funding for Critical Water and Sewer Infrastructure Upgrades

“The Assembly’s state budget proposal earmarks $300 million for upgrades to local water and sewer infrastructure statewide, $50 million more than the governor proposed (E.1047). This money would be dispersed as grants to local governments to repair...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Puts Families First and Invests in New York’s Future

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that he helped pass the Assembly’s state budget proposal (E.1047), which seeks to boost the economy and strengthen the middle class. Key highlights of the Assembly plan include: a $2.1...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Proposal Helps Workers and Spurs Economic Growth

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced the Assembly’s 2016-17 budget proposal helps hardworking New Yorkers and includes robust economic development funding that will help businesses create jobs. The Assembly budget restores...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Proposal Puts Families First

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced the Assembly budget proposal seeks to help workers and their families get ahead through paid family leave and tax cuts, while asking New York’s wealthiest to pay their fair share (E.1047). “The...

Thiele: Protecting Drinking Water and the Environment are Top Priorities in Assembly Budget

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced the Assembly’s 2016-17 state budget proposal funds critical upgrades to protect drinking water, addresses health concerns – including lead exposure – and provides tax incentives to...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Proposal Increases Education Aid by Over $2 Billion

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced he helped pass the Assembly’s 2016-17 state budget proposal, which includes a significant increase in funding for schools as well as a strong commitment to making higher education accessible...

Thiele: Superstorm Sandy Small Business Administration Federal Disaster Loans Still Available Through December 1

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today reminds his constituents that the U.S. Small Business Administration reopened the application filing period for Superstorm Sandy survivors making federal disaster loans available until December...

Thiele: State Comptroller Report Says Small Businesses Help New York Economy

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor), Chair of the Assembly’s Small Business Committee, announced the availability of a new report issued by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, “The Economic Impact of Small Business in New York...

Thiele Releases Results of Recent Legislative Questionnaire

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. has released the results of his recent District-wide Questionnaire. Approximately 640 residents responded to the survey. Residents were asked their opinions on 20 issues currently before state and local government....

Thiele: Assembly’s Budget Keeps New York Moving

“An important part of growing New York’s economy is continuing to make investments in public transportation. “That’s why the Assembly’s state budget plan increases the Department of Transportation five-year capital program by $405 million....

Thiele: Assembly Budget Invests in Higher Education

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that Assembly 2016-17 one-house budget invests $1.7 billion in higher education, providing for a two-year tuition freeze for SUNY students in addition to a 20 percent increase for opportunity...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Proposal Combats Heroin Epidemic

“Too many East End families have experienced the devastating effects of the heroin epidemic that is sweeping our state and our nation. The agony of addiction and the tragic loss of our loved ones is deeply heartbreaking, and I’m working to address...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Invests $25.4 Billion in Education, Eliminates GAP Elimination Adjustment

“Providing our children with a quality education is absolutely essential to their future success. The Assembly’s budget proposal once again makes funding for our schools a top priority by increasing education aid by more than 9 percent – or $2.1...

Thiele: Assembly Budget Includes Funding for Child Care, After School Programs

“For working families, quality child care is often too expensive and hard to find. The Assembly budget proposal recognizes this challenge and increases funding for child care and after-school programs by $82 million. Under our plan, an additional $75...

Cancer Screening Can Save Lives

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) is urging constituents to talk to their doctor about screening and testing options for colorectal cancer (also called colon cancer). With...

Thiele Co-Sponsors Legislation to Create the New York Health Insurance Consumer Protection Security Fund

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) has joined with State Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan) in sponsoring A.9311, which would establish the New York Health Insurance Consumer Protection Security...

Thiele Bill to Extend Use of Circle Hooks for Taking of Sharks Passes Assembly

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that legislation he sponsored, A.9218, which would extend the expiration date of Chapter 378 of the Laws of 2014, passed the Assembly by a vote of 139-2. Chapter 378 of 2014 amended the Environmental...