Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) speaks at a press conference in Albany on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025, to restore funding for the Nassau University Medical Center.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) pictured (L-R) Avery Stanton, Julianna Casilla, Giovanna Gambetta, USMC Staff Sgt. Hector Ibarra, Ella Hines and Zuzanna Sulawa at Laughs at the Library event on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) attends a press conference at West Capitol Park in Albany led by Assembly and Senate Minority Conference members to continue calls for stronger oversight of the state parole board on June 4, 2024.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) stands with the Plainedge wrestling team in the Assembly Chamber in Albany on May 30, 2024.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) joined Sen. Steve Rhoads, Sen. Kevin Thomas, Sen. Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Assemblywoman Taylor Darling, Nassau University Medical Center (NUMC) Interim President and CEO Megan Ryan and local health care heroes at a press conference on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, in Albany to support NUMC.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) speaks at a press conference in the Village of Babylon, New York on March 8, 2024, alongside Assemblyman Jarett Gandolfo (R,C-Sayville) (right of middle), Assemblyman Michael Durso (Massapequa Park) (third from left) and other state and local leaders to support the call to restore order and public safety in New York state.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) speaks at a press conference on School Bus Electrification in New York state on Feb. 25, 2024.
Pictured above: Assemblyman John Mikulin (third row from front, left) joins members of the New York State Building & Construction Trades Council at a rally on the Million Dollar Staircase in the State Capitol in support of union jobs for construction projects on SUNY campuses.
Pictured above: Assemblyman John Mikulin (back row, far right) honors some of this year’s Women of Distinction from the 17th Assembly District at the Island Trees Public Library on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023. Pictured with the Assemblyman above are (top row) Island Trees Public Library Director Nicole Mollick-Polaski, Nassau County District Court Judge Hon. Rhonda E. Fischer, Tanairy Fernandez, Brittney M. Grimes, Taleen Krug, Kaitlyn Walsh-Guzman, (seated) Alisa Baroukh, Kathryn Gawrych, Louise Cassano, and Phyllis Fragiorgi.
Pictured above: Assemblyman John Mikulin (far right) presents an Assembly Citation to Sgt. Italo Charles Franza (seated, middle) on the occasion of his 100th birthday with (from left to right) Nassau County Legislator Thomas McKevitt,(standing), American Legion Post 1082 Commander Peter Wenninger, and state Sen. Steve Rhoads on Jan. 7, 2023, at The Clubhouse at The Meadows at Mitchel Field in East Meadow.
Pictured above: Assemblyman John Mikulin (far right) stands with the 2022 17th Assembly District Women of Distinction Honorees (starting with third from the left): Dr. Tonie McDonald, Diane Garone, Deborah Podolski, Thien Ngu Vu, and Carol Louise Gravely. They were also joined by (far left) Nassau County Legislator Steve Rhoads and Nassau County District Court Judge Rhonda E. Fischer as well as Betty Tucker (second from right).
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C-Bethpage) honored a local business this week as they closed their doors for the last time.
Pictured above: Assemblyman John Mikulin (second from left) stands with (from left to right) Roxana Benjamin, Charlemagne Benjamin, and Manish Chawla at the annual 2022 Long Island Cares Summer Food Drive at the King Kullen Shopping Center in Levittown on June 12, 2022.
Assemblyman Mikulin (far left), together with Nassau County Legislator Steve Rhoads, presents a citation to outgoing Chief James M. Maroldo at the North Massapequa Fire District’s 87th Inspection and Installation Dinner on May 14, 2022.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R, C, I-Bethpage) completed his annual “Meet Mikulin” constituent outreach event series.
Assemblyman Mikulin swears in Trustee Kelty.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (far left) stands with Levittown Public Library Board Members Greg Kelty (Trustee), Michelle Young (Library Director), Catherine Manganiello (Vice President), Leslie Birne (Trustee), and Loretta Fonseca (President).
Pictured above: (Left) Assemblyman John Mikulin speaks at a press conference at John J. Burns Park in Massapequa on May 18, 2021 to raise awareness about Brianna’s Law, requiring motorized watercraft operators to take boating safety courses. He is joined by Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder, Assemblymen Mike Montessano, Mike Durso, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Joe Destefano, and Village of Massapequa Park Trustee Tina Schiaffino, and Village of Massapequa Park Mayor Dan Pearl. (Right) Assemblyman Mikulin (far left) is joined by Gina Lieneck, whose daughter’s tragic death inspired the new boating safety regulations, and Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder and Assembly members Mike Durso, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Joe Destefano.
Pictured above: (Left) Assemblyman John Mikulin speaks at a press conference at John J. Burns Park in Massapequa on May 18, 2021 to raise awareness about Brianna’s Law, requiring motorized watercraft operators to take boating safety courses. He is joined by Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder, Assemblymen Mike Montessano, Mike Durso, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Joe Destefano, and Village of Massapequa Park Trustee Tina Schiaffino, and Village of Massapequa Park Mayor Dan Pearl. (Right) Assemblyman Mikulin (far left) is joined by Gina Lieneck, whose daughter’s tragic death inspired the new boating safety regulations, and Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder and Assembly members Mike Durso, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Joe Destefano.
Pictured above from left to right: Hempstead Town Clerk Kate Murray, Levittown Fire Department Ex-Captain Blood Drive Chairperson Ron Hlawaty, Assemblyman John Mikulin, PE Supervisor Dionis Xhindolli, Nassau County Legislator John Ferretti, and nurse Anita Uppal.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) was joined by (from left to right) Councilman Dennis Dunne, Sr.; Bob Koenig, blood donor; George Gibson, blood donor; Mikulin; Town Clerk Kate Murray; Legislator John Ferretti and Third Deputy Chief Matt Angelletta for the blood drive on Oct. 15 at the Levittown Fire Department.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) joined (left to right, front row) Ethan Shapiro; Michael Sica; Jayden Keyes; Jack Sica; Matthew Marmo; (back row) Marc Shapiro; Mikulin; Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne; Lauren Sica; Steve Cosentino and Frank Marmo on Tuesday, Aug. 25 at Vincenzos Pizzeria in Levittown for the Levittown Baseball Fundraiser.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) with Keith Wilson, incoming president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Massapequas; Greg Massimi, Karen Gawrych, Robin Hepworth, and Jeff Pravato, Town of Oyster Bay Receive of Taxes, at the swearing in of new officers of the Chamber of Commerce of the Massapequas on Thursday, June 25 at Klestinec Park.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) joined Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne, and Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino to support the Town of Oyster Bay drive-in movie event on Thursday, June 25 at Tobay Beach.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) with (left to right, back row) Commander Frank Marcinek, American Legion Post 1711; Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne; Mikulin; Nassau County American Legion Vice Commander Frank Neal; and (left to right, front row) Tom Geist, honoree, and his wife Joy Geist, on Saturday, June 6.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) joined (from left to right) President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Massapequas Jamie E. Bogenshutz; 1st VP Keith Wilson; Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne; Robin Hepworth; Mikulin;Nassau County Supervisor Laura Curran; Robert Lane; Robert R. Barrett; Town of Oyster Bay Receiver of Taxes Jeffrey P. Pravato; Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino; Nassau County Legislator James D. Kennedy; Susan Martin; Bob Bauer; and Mayor of Massapequa Park Teresa Spinosa for the unveiling of the Massapequa Strong Sign on Monday, June 1.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) joined (from left to right) Kerin Howard; Commander Peter Stasinski, VFW Post 9592; Robert Spicer; Nassau County Legislator John Ferretti; Joseph Donarumma; Mikulin; Mark Dennington; Armando Fuentes; Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne; Nancy Fuentes; Commander Frank Marcinek, American Legion Post 1711; Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin Jr; Senator Kevin Thomas, and Town of Hempstead Clerk Kate Murray for the Levittown Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 25.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) with (from left to right) Mary Klockler, Liam Klockler, Diane Sabino, Fr. Francis, Lisa Savallo, Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne, Mikulin, Emma Rochanakit, Leah Rochanakit, Bridget Thearle, Christine Thearle, and Michael Savallo on Saturday, May 23 at St. James in Seaford, NY for a food drive.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) hosted a virtual town hall meeting to connect with constituents on Tuesday, May 19.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage), along with (from left to right) Nassau County Legislator Laura Schaefer, Franklin Square Red Mango Owner Christopher Cianciulli, Town of Hempstead Councilman Dennis Dunne, and Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) at Nassau University Medical Center on Friday, May 15.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) joined (from left to right) Joe Saladino, Town of Oyster Bay supervisor; Peter Silvestri, Homeland Security officer and supporting 1st vice membership officer; Dennis Dunne, Town of Hempstead councilman; Frank Marcinek, commander of American Legion Post 1711, and Chris Drummond, executive committeeman of American Legion Post 1711, at St. Martin of Tours Church, following the Bethpage St. Patrick's Parade, on Sunday, March 1.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) presents Fred Bellise, outgoing president of the Sons of Italy Columbus Lodge 2143, with a citation at their installation ceremony on Sunday, March 1 at the Royal Palm Catering Hall in Farmingdale.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I-Bethpage) joined (from left to right) Councilman Dennis Dunne, Jeff Pravato, receiver of taxes, Councilwoman Laura Maier and Dennis McGrath at the North Massapequa Fire Department fundraiser at DQ in Massapequa Park on Sunday, February 9.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,Ref-Bethpage), library employees (from left to right) Rocco Cassano, Mary Loiacono, Julia Incammicia, Karen Brown, Rhyan Mogilski and Carol Probeyahn, the library director, met on Friday, April 12, for Mikulin to pick up the collection box for his Pet Food Drive.
Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,I,Ref-Bethpage) had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Farmingdale himself, Donald E. Snyder, former chief of the Wantagh Fire Department.